The 3ByThree Story

Formed by three longtime friends and colleagues, 3 By Three has succeeded in combining the classic with the modern, the simple and the complex, to provide its clients with the best and most complete service without all the “blah blah blah” complex and boring legal and business environment.
This way of working allows the office to always achieve better results, and above all a better relationship and understanding with customer needs through innovative ideas.
We act strategically to ease day-to-day bureaucracy and solve problems by creating smart solutions that stand out in the national and international environment.
Do you know why 3byThree is the perfect choice for you?
More than 15 years of experience in the market;
Specialization in cases of high complexity;
Modern and innovative thoughts, which combine current ideas with the classic of legal;
Personalized customer service according to their problems;
Convenience in care, without the annoying "juridiquês";
Extensive experience with academia, mentoring, lectures and the general public;
Competitive price and affordable to the market;
Proven trust of our customers;
High success rate in all types of demands.

Problems?! We have the solution!
No matter the situation or problem, we analyze the problem and bring solutions that stand out for speed and assertiveness.
SERVIÇOS DE CONSULTORIA E ASSESSORIA EMPRESARIALConsultoria organizacional empresarial Planejamentos empresariais sucessórios Planejamentos empresariais financeiros Planejamentos empresariais patrimoniais Planejamentos empresariais de resguardo Reestruturações societárias Arranjos societários nacionais e internacionais Juntas comerciais em todo território nacional Cadastro e regularização de empresas e sociedades perante instituições e órgãos públicos em geral, tais como: receita federal, estados, municípios, secretaria da fazenda e afins Auxílio para elaboração e registro de documentos junto a cartórios e tabeliões. Cadastro e regularização de empresas e sociedades perante juntas comerciais em todo território nacional e Banco Central – BACEN
SERVIÇOS JURÍDICOSNós também atuamos na prestação de serviços jurídicos, dando suporte e apoio a pessoas físicas e jurídicas, escritórios de advocacia, auditorias jurídicas, recursos humanos e departamentos administrativos, executando todos os procedimentos e registros das áreas abaixo: Direito trabalhista Direito do consumidor Direito tributário Direito imobiliário Direito societário Contratos diversos Responsabilidade civil Famílias e sucessões Recuperação de créditos e cobranças
Startups: Learn what we can do to help you grow!
One of our specialties is to advise companies and entrepreneurs that are beginning their trajectory in the national and international market. And we know the importance of getting it right, within the law.
We provide complete support so that you, the new entrepreneur, can grow your business in a practical, fast and innovative way.
See what we can do for your business:
Business consulting
Legal advice
Drafting of documents and contracts
Company registration and regularization
Partnership with startup accountants
Partnership with various startup companies

Doing Business in Brazil
Doing business in Brazil can be tiring, especially if your business comes from abroad. The bureaucracy for foreign investment and the operation of international companies is complicated, from the opening of a new company or branch to the incorporation of a subsidiary.
So we use our expertise to deliver specific services for times of complexity:
Visa Application
Trademark Registration
Import and Export Processes
Company formation
Corporate restructuring and operations
Financial, inheritance, estate and safeguard business planning
Support in the areas of criminal law, civil law, family law, contracts and labor law

Having legal support from the start of a business is essential. That's why we support the entrepreneur at every stage of his project with our mentoring.
Together we develop sustainable strategies, structure processes, thus reducing time and money. All this to accelerate the growth of the new company.
Our mentoring is essential for new businesses to be up to date with legal and legal needs, starting a successful path in the market.

Projects and initiatives that spread the good
We believe every company should have social responsibility. Thus, we decided to support projects and initiatives whose purpose is always connected to the transformation of society to a fairer, more inclusive and healthier place.
B2Mamy Accelerator: Mothers in Leadership
B2Mamy is a business accelerator that empowers and connects mothers to the innovation and technology ecosystem to be economically leading and free.
An education and research firm specializing in the maternity journey we are pleased to participate as mentors. In addition, we serve as teachers in B2Mamy's Pulse Acceleration Program, which takes place within and with the support of Google for Startups.
We also support B2Mamy's social initiatives to include, share and collaborate with underserved communities to change the world through education and the creation of an active and conscious community.

Let's talk? It will be a pleasure to help you and your business with its challenges.